Engineering a safer tomorrow in fire fighting The power behind SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist system For centuries, water has been used to fight fires. Research and development efforts resulted in the use of water as a fire fighting medium for cooling the fire. As the fire increases the temperature of the water, energy is absorbed from the fire, resulting in a cooling effect. The breakthrough that high-pressure water mist represents is to use the same method as traditional sprinklers, but to add the effect of converting the water into steam. Danfoss Fire Safety A/S, an integral member of the Danfoss Group, is one of the pioneers in the high-pressure water mist fire fighting market. For decades, Danfoss has been developing, manufacturing, selling, installing and servicing high-pressure water mist systems under the brand name SEM-SAFE® . In the SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist system, clean water is forced by Danfoss high-pressure water mist pumps through a tested stainless steel piping network and specially engineered SEM-SAFE® nozzles from 60 to 100 bar working pressure. The very fine water droplets discharged by the SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist system have an average size ranging from 50 to 100 μm. When the mist comes into contact with flames, the small droplets quickly evaporate, while expanding a minimum of 1,700 times, cooling the fire like a traditional sprinkler and simultaneously displacing the oxygen at the fire like a fire extinguishing gas system. Combined cooling and oxygen displacement effects provide higher cooling capability (up to 7 times better than traditional sprinkler) and reduce water consumption by up to 80% compared to traditional sprinklers. High-pressure water mist technology is now one of the most progressive fire fighting technologies and is commonly used: to protect buildings and other objects from heat exposure from fire for fire extinguishment in enclosures, controlling smoke and chemical clouds as self-protection by fire fighters Up to 7 times better cooling 2 Danfoss Fire Safety A/S · Fire fighting technology
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