30,000 Danfoss nozzles are ready to fight fire One of the largest high-pressure water mist system for fire fighting has been installed in a new hospital in Denmark: Aarhus University Hospital in Skejby. Danfoss Fire Safety is the company that delivered the system – and the solution saves the hospital millions. PHOTO: GLENN SIMONSEN Danfoss Fire Safety has been in the water mist system market for several years. The Aarhus University Hospital is one of the biggest hospitals in Denmark and is fully protected by the SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist fire fighting system, a solution that saved the hospital millions in installation costs. With Danfoss Fire Safety solution, the contractor has saved as much as 11.4m euros on other construction areas: lower costs for the insulation of ventilation ducts, for glass, chimney dampers, fire doors, etc. To get the complete picture, we first need to know how the Danfoss Fire Safety solution works. We all recognize the little nozzles which hang down from the ceiling in offices, cinemas, hospitals, and elsewhere. If fire breaks out, fine water mist is sprayed over the fire. The SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist nozzle cover a large area, thus reducing significantly the number of nozzles that are required to be installed. The SEM-SAFE® nozzle are connected via stainless steel pipes to a SEM-SAFE® high-presure water mist pump unit. Section valve help direct the water to the areas affected by fire, where water mist is released through the nozzles. The SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist system uses very little water: from a third to a tenth the quantity. The high-pressure water mist causes the heat generated by the fire to drop dramatically – which is precisely why major savings are obtained with the high-pressure water mist solution. Normally, quite a lot of insulation is needed around ventilation ducts to stop warm air transporting the fire along them. Prevented by a high- pressure water mist solution. The builders could also install cheaper types of glass in areas where the fire could spread to surrounding buildings. All in all, the installations are more straightforward, and that leads to major savings. Easier to install At Aarhus University Hospital, Danfoss Fire Safety cooperated with the consulting engineering company DNU Rådgivergruppen, which has been part of the project right from the start. This is vital in order to obtain the optimum savings – because a lot of the elements of the structure can be planned differently with a high-pressure water mist system. 2 Danfoss Fire Safety - Aarhus University Hospital Article
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